Part 2 Project 2 Physical and visual texture. Exercise 1 Experimenting

This exercise was fun, but I’m not sure that I fully understood the exact instructions, so I was quite loose in what I did.

First I used brown paper and charcoal and ink and wax and played about with lines and patterns, in a way which depicted texture in a stylised manner.

Charcoal, wax and ink on brown paper
Charcoal and ink on brown paper
Charcoal, wax and ink on brown paper

I then tried to show the texture of some surfaces, but mostly from natural objects.

Frottage and white chalk drawing of bark.
Feathers using ink wash and pen.
Textured man-made objects

Part Two Project 1 Exercise 1 Compositional sketches of man-made objects

Compositional sketches of man-made objects.

I find it hard to know how to “create meaning” in the choice of objects for a still life, even after all the research I have done. I am not keen on using objects to symbolise something directly. If meaning can be attributed simply because an object belongs to me, then it is easy, but I think this is too simple.

In the end I chose to draw a glass ornament with interesting and challenging tonal variations and inclusions within the glass, and as a foil, some sweets wrapped in cellophane.

Composition of glass ornament and sweets 1
Composition of glass ornament and sweets 1
Sketch of sweets with colour added (fibre tip)
Sketch of sweets with colour added (fibre tip)
composition of glass ornament and sweets 2
composition of glass ornament and sweets 2
Composition of Glass Ornament and Sweets 3
Composition of Glass Ornament and Sweets 3

The strength of the light source is important and difficult for me to acheive in my situation, but would help if I wish to enlarge the drawings.

In another series of sketches of a different selection of objects, chosen for their old-fashioned nature, I also needed stronger light. I made a sketch of the glass on its own to try to capture the reflections.

I realise that as the obects do not overlap, the composition is dull, and they all have the same vertical structure and similar shape. This is a bit like Modriani, but he always has very significant and important overlaps in his works.

In retrospect, I feel very critical of these sketches.

Composition of man-made objects (thumb nails)
Composition of man-made objects (thumb nails)
Larger drawing of glass from thumbnails
Larger drawing of glass from thumbnails